here’s the minidump file
PLEASE remove the extension .log of the attachment 072011-11388-01.dmp.log
it’s actually a minidump file
Win7 32bit not sp1
Installed: Sandboxie 3.56 final , Shadow Defender
here’s the minidump file
PLEASE remove the extension .log of the attachment 072011-11388-01.dmp.log
it’s actually a minidump file
Win7 32bit not sp1
Installed: Sandboxie 3.56 final , Shadow Defender
Not really advisable changing the file type to attach the file as this can at times corrupt the data contained in it.
Upload any minidump or memory.dmp files, zipped to reduce size. Give the zip file you are uploading a unique name (e.g. forumusername-mem-dump.zip, etc), so they can identify it. It might not be a bad idea to create a text file (readme.txt) with any relevant information, avast topic URL, user name, etc. etc. in the zip file.
Upload the zip file to the ftp server ftp://ftp.avast.com/incoming:
thanks for your advice
i have uploaded my zip file to the server.
You’re welcome.
Hopefully it should also get a quicker response as someone from avast would have to have seen your post.
BTW, can i upload undetected virus samples to this FTP server so that the analysts can analyze them?
You can send samples to: virus(at)avast.com
You’re welcome…!
Hi, i have found the answer here