Hello, I just installed the latest avast! 4.8 antivirus home w/ demo license…
At first, when I clicked the installer, it gave me a BSOD…
My PC restarted and I tried to install again, and it worked. Now I have problems running the software, because when I click on the desktop icon, Windows crashes (BSOD again)…
1 What are your system’s specs?
2 What is/are your current antivirus(es)?
3 What is/are your previous antivirus(es)?
4 Did you happen to encounter a virus that is still intact in your PC while avast is being installed?
First of all, you seem to be struggling with Sality, which is a file infector. It would be a probable cause for the BSODs. With Sality, it would be wiser to let an AV stay, unless it poses instability. If you want, you may start a new topic at Viruses & Worms section for better assistance regarding Sality.
For the rest, some remnants of your old AV (even after uninstallation) could be conflicting with avast. Please consider using thier respective removal tool (esp Norton).