BSOD - Windows 10 1903


I did a fresh install of windows 10 - 1903. After installing avast 19.6.2383 and avast secure line 5.4.510 I get à BSOD ( IRQ not less or equal) on every shutdown or restart.
If I get online with Avast Secureline and change location while being connected, I get the same BSOD.
Tried to uninstall all avast products, BSOD goes away.

The first BSOD according to whocrashed is related to ntoskrnl.exe and the second to ndis.sys

What can I do ?

Thank you

Follow instructions: and post your File-ID here afterwards.

File ID : SI9VP

OK, I forwarded it…

Hi Cricri05,

do you have npcap v0.995 installed on your system?


Yes I have.

This BSOD is caused by npcap driver. Please follow the instructions to update it to the latest version.

Best regards,

Installed npcap 0.996 driver version and so far so good.

Thank you