BSoDs & Crashes when using Acronis True Image 14 (2011)

Hi all!

I am maintaining an old pc (Single Core CPU: AMD Athlon…, 1 Gig ofRAM) of a friend of mine, which I have recently set up from scratch (XP SP3 with all patches). Installing Avast Internet Security 6 (latest version) was the last missing part of this set-up process and I wanted to secure that baseline by making an image of partition c: with Acronis True Image 2011.

The problem is, that the backup of that partition always ends at nearly 55 % in a reboot of the system after crashing it/with a BSoD. After some minidumps I turned off self protection of Avast, turned of all avast services, killed all processes concerned to it and switched to full kernel dumps to take a peek with windebug (all uploaded to your ftp-server as “”) after the prospected crash and aswSP.sys unfolded as the origin of the problem (although Self Protection is switched “off”!).

What can I do to get that backup done, turn off the antiroot-kit functionality of avast ?


all your 4 dumps are related to invalid memory access (none of them crashed in avast)
firstly, I’d suggest you to retest your memory ( at least for several hours

please let me know what you find out, thanks

I let Memtest86 cycle for 5 hours (unattended) and 1 hour sitting beside it and there were NO errors at all!

I had access to the machine today and I am just loading the full kernel dump up as “” to your ftp-server, this is the one with the aswSP.sys-crash.
