Goto your registry.
In: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment
Set values TEMP and TMP to an inexistant folder (ex: C:\TEMPTEST)
Restart computer
Try to surf.
==> Avast Web agent HTTP scaner block all HTTP communication…
(ICMP and DNS work fine)
To correct this, create manualy the folder set in registry… and the surf come back.
If you change the registry value then it is evident that Avast will malfunction. How can you say that to be an Avast! bug? You kick you computer and then say your computer does’nt run and then inform that Windows XP has a bug! ;D Kicking renders Windows XP crazy! : ;D ;D
@ Stran05
For you, when you change temp folder position, avast malfunction is evident
Not for me
I change my personnal folder position to keep system partition light.
(I say Personnal folder, not userprofile)
And for that, I change also TEMP folder Position
For your information, the TEMP folder is not an Avast folder, is a system folder
And if Avast can’t run normaly if this folder don’t exist, is a bug in Avast. (Avast must, at least, say “The TEMP folder xxx don’t exist and for that, can’t run normaly”)
If you don’t understand that, don’t post stupid reply.
I post also to help someone who can’t surf with web scaner ON. this is maybe for that reason.
Sorry, I could’nt understand you and I am sorry for posting such a harsh reply. Yes, your solution can be a definite boon to people who are suffering from browsing with Web Shielde on. I have whatsover no such problems with Avast! Web Shield.