BUG?: Foxit Reader unable to read pdf from within Sandbox.


I’m unable to have Foxit Reader read PDF files with firefox while firefox is sanboxed.

If I try outide the sandbox, it works perfectly.

Now, if I exclude the user %TEMP% folder in the sandbox settings, it works! BUT, I don’t know if this is a safe way to fix it or not as I have no idea how the virtualization of temp folders work inside the avast!/sandbox.

So, is this…

  1. a bug?

  2. is there another fix to have Foxit read PDF from within the Sandbox with Firefox?

  3. anyone else having this issue?

  4. Does having the user %TEMP% folder exclude in the sandbox setting dangerous (well, less secure)?

Thanks in advance…



P.S. As of right now, if I need to read pdf, I download them first, but I’d love to have a fix for this.

I was able to open a *.pdf file with Foxit Sandboxed

When I opened Firefox and then attempted to open a *.pdf file from within Firefox I got two error messages.

  1. “Foxit Reader Plugin for Firefox crashed” The plugin is number
  2. Here is a picture of the second error message


Thx for replying… much appreciated

Very similar to my error (It also crashes the first time it does the error, but not the other times).

Here’s an image of my error…



I have a Firefox addon named IE Tab 2 (FF 3.6+) installed in Firefox. It enables you to open a url/link in an IE tab while in Firefox. IE handles some web pages better than FF so this can come in handy once in a while. If you have this addon installed in Firefox you can open a *.pdf file from a link in IE by right clicking on the link.

So if you have this addon installed and IE installed you might try and snadboxing IE. Then open the *.pdf file from within Firefox in IE by right clicking on the link to the *.pdf file and selecting “Open link in IE Tab”

Thx @Nesivos for the tip … much appreciated :slight_smile:

I’ll give it a shot in a few minutes. I hope they have the addon for FF 4.0 (that’s the only one I’m using now)… brand new PC/setup here so didn’t reinstall everything I had before.

I’ll come back with results soon.

EDIT: Tried the addon (which works with FF 4.0) and I like it, but it doesn’t fix FoxitReader though. See attached Image.




Thx … check the post above yours ;D

I noticed you had replied while I was typing it hehe.



Firefox Bug 644431 - Adobe PDF Files Larger than 5 MB Won’t Load in Browser

Of course, this wouldn’t apply if the PDF file is less than 5MB.

Since it works normally…
oustside the sandbox (pdf is read within the brower), AND within the sandbox if I exclude the user %TEMP% in the sandbox settings,

but does not work when there are no exclusions (default), I figured it was a sandbox issue.

Appreciate the link though. thanks!

btw, do I need to create a ticket for this? or is the forum read frequently by the Avast team?



Fixed! with the help of a tip from @doktornotor. It works when I have foxit display the pdf in its own window (outside the browser). ;D

Thanks tons for the suggestions. I can say I don’t have an issue anymore, although I’m not sure if I should put this as [resolved] since there’s still a bug.

So a big thank you for all the tips/suggestions. Much appreciated!
