bug in avast 5.0.545

hey friends just found a small bug in Avast free anti virus 5.0.545

the procedure to see the bug is simple:

1]from settings-> basic settings->tick show special scans in avast user interface
2]now go to scan computers->scan now->scan from windows explorer->settings->scan->select      scan using name extension radio button->ok
3]scan a .exe file it will be scanned no problem...now the problem begins
4] now go to scan computers->scan now->scan from windows explorer->settings->scan->scan all files check box ->OK
5]now try to scan any .exe file.....see no of bytes scan is 0bytes nothing is scaned now...try it once twice or thrice
	its scanning nothing..thz  the bug
6]now  computers->scan now->scan from windows explorer->settings->scan->content (through but slow) radio button ->ok
7]scan .exe file its again working well
8]now instead repeat step 4 u will see now the scanning is taking place again and all files are scanned...
9]just a small little bug but i hope it will be fixed


Does it work with 5.0.590…??