I have found on several customer machines which have less common resolutions, when I try to install Avast the Install button is hidden “below the fold” underneath the taskbar (on the screen where you are customizing your installation). It is impossible to install Avast unless I change the location of the taskbar.
This has nothing to do with the UI, it is about the size of the installation screen, I have been banging on about this for years and all avast have done is respond to the complaints of the size of the UI. First you have to be able to install it to even see the UI.
The installation screen should also fit the screen resolution else it is a bug since as you said it is needed to install it. Strangely, I’ve never seen this mentioned before. I assume I must have missed it.
It has been around for some considerable time (and given this post would still appear to be so), I first came across it when I purchased an Acer 10.1"win7 netbook with a 1024X600 screen. Moving the taskbar or having it hide itself still didn’t display the Install button.
Bob3160 said there was a hack to increase the screen resolution beyond the native resolution and that was the only to get past that.
I don’t know how avast identify the screen resolution, but it must surely happen during the installation process, so I don’t know how they would know that in advance if the installation screen already having been displayed.
For me that is where I have always been pushing for the Installation and UI screens to be user resizeable and all of this hassle would be over. But the intransigence and deafening silence from avast on why they won’t even consider this.