Bug: Notification says "New version available" (false)

I’m pretty sure this is a bug, since I can’t see why the program would be designed this way…

Running avast! 4 v4.1.268, in Settings: Update (basic), I click the “Details…” button, bringing up the iAVS update details dialog. At the bottom, to the left of the Proxy… button, it says “New version available!”. But I’ve run through every update option I can find and I see no evidence of any update available anywhere.

The update dialog reports:

Information about current update: Total time: 12 s
  • Program: Already up to date
    (current version 4.1.268)
  • Vps: Already up to date
    (current version 0309-2)

Server: www.asw.cz/iavs4x/part-setup_av_pro-10c.vpu.stamp (
Downloaded files: 7 (0.07 KB)
Download time: 5 s

Is there truly some update that could be performed at this time (and how do I get to it?), or is this iAVS dialog wrong? ???

If you need more information, just ask.


– Jeff
– aka The Beerslayer

yes it’s ok
when a new program updater , a blue box will notice you

So what you’re saying is that my original observation above is correct and that this is, in fact, a bug. This options window is telling me there’s an update available when, in fact, there is none.

If so, it needs to be fixed, since it is definitely misleading.

– Jeff
– aka The Beerslayer

i want to say this is the same to me
and i will be fix soon!

You bet it’s a bug if you have this line there! :slight_smile:
If you still have that line there, please send me the file \setup\setup.ini (via email).


sorry vlk
i had this line in the last version!
now is perfect!