Avast! v5 locks my computer up when I try to use my WD 500g external passport hard drive and I have to disable Avast shield when ever I want to use my hard drive .
I thought it might be a problem with my laptop or my hard drive, but my friends computer with avast free had the same problem and when I uninstalled the anti virus, i could use the hard drive without any problem
My system is :
dell precision M4300 with windows 7 /32bit/
Before Avast 5 ,I had Avast 4 and Hard drive was working perfectly with it.
I’m using Comodo Firewall (Without defense+)
I’m 99.9% Sure this problem related to Avast 5, because I’ve tested the hard drive with other systems with Avast 5 and they had the same problem then when I changed the antiviruse , HD worked without any problem . Also I didn’t have this problem before upgrading to Avast 5.
You say that you tested Avast5 on other systems. Try to figure out what
program or programs are on your computer and those where you also tested
and had the same problem. Doing this, might help you figure out if there is
a program that all of those computers is using and is conflicting with Avast.
It sounds like a silly question: do you have many data on your external HD? If yes, then it could take a long time until Avast! scanned all the files when you start to work with the external HD. I also use a external 500gb WD HD without problems on Win 7 Home Premium 32 bit. The only thing sometimes happens to me: i normally use it as network drive. But when i connect it directly to my PC, sometimes i must mount it first to show it at my explorer.
And last but not least: you also can try a clean install of Avast!:
I need the OP to answer my questions prior to doing a clean install first, otherwise the existing problems may persist. So we will have to wait for the OP to respond. Thank you though.
DJBone, now that you are over 20 posts, you should create your signature in your Profile (top of page) so that others can help you and you can assist others. Thanks.
I did a clean Install for Avast 5 but I think, as DJ bone said the problem might happen because of too much data on my HD.( I have more than 400G data on my HD) but I still want to know why this happens only with Avast 5 ! I’m sure my system is clean and doesn’t have any viruses .
Anyway I prefer to use Avast 4 instead of switching to another anti virus.
The support for 4.0 will end at the end of the year. So I would work with 5.0 for now and see how it goes. If you think you have too much on your HD, perhaps get a backup and see if this helps. Let us know how things go.
Every time I connected a USB flash drive on my computer, it would lock up and AvastSvc.exe usage would go to 90+%. I sent a minidump to avast!, hoping it would help. When this would happen, I would have to do a repair, but the problem would show up again when the flash drive was inserted. But, for some reason after an update I no longer have these issues.
Bennieboj, have you done an Avast Removable Media Scan of your USB flash drive to make sure it is clean?
I still suggest you download MBAM (see my prior post on how to do it) as an on-demand (when you need it…not resident) scanner. It is compatible with Avast, and tends to pick up things that other AV’s don’t pick up.
By disabling the shield, as you are doing now, is just a work-around…but not fixing the core problem. I realize you are waiting for the minidump to be analyzed, but in the meantime, you should check to make sure your system is clean.