[Bug Report] Broken flyout menus in Windows 10

Avast is from time to time breaking the flyout menus on Windows 10 for me.

All except Language selection and the Virtual Desktops one stop working, rebooting or relogging is the only way to fix this issue.

Seems to happen when reenabling the shields of Avast but sometimes also randimly.

I also still have the problem of invisibility of Menus.
So many programs that do not have a virus are disabled from avast but I can not reenable them as I can not see the menus.

Avast does not care about this as we seem to be the only 2 persons with that problem.

May be the reason is incompatibility with nvidia graphic cards !?


Have you tried an avast Repair ?
Try a repair of avast:
Vista, win7 or later - Control Panel, Programs & Features, uninstall a program, select ‘avast! Anti-Virus,’ click the Uninstall/Change and select Repair, click next and follow.

You may need to reboot after the repair.

  • If that doesn’t work try, a clean reinstall.

Not sure what OS you may be using, I have winXP, Win7 and this win10 labtop, and all display the avastUI > Settings window correctly.

Yes I did try “repair” and even did uninstall Avast with special avastclear10r4.exe and aswclear_801489.exe but nothing helps :frowning:

After new installation the problem comes up again…

I don’t know if the avastclear versions that you used are for a specific avast version, but I would suggest downloading the one from this location http://files.avast.com/iavs9x/avastclear.exe, this location should contain the most current version.

That Version is (filecompare) identical with mine but the problem is a problem of the PC (suppose graphics not supported by avast) but no question of reinstalling.

May be a change of the Java scripts in the \resources directory would help (like “SettingsComponents.js” for settings maybe) but I am no expert in this.

It definitively does not help reinstalling as it never worked since I use Windows 7 or Windows 10 (not even after first Installation) (so changing the javascripts for the Settings might be the only thing that could help).

Your screenshot is from an old version.
Update to the latest version (17.5.2302): https://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=204588.0

As my Problem is old, I do not see much difference to the version I downloaded yesterday:


One main problem is, that I also can not read the small pop up virus warning windows on the right down of the screen, so I can not assign homemade programs to be treated not like a virus and so many programs do not run any more on my pc :frowning:

Did you already check for new GC drivers…!?

Just installed the newest nvidia driver I fond (all my Desktopicons positions chnaged after setting lower resolution by nvidia fist :frowning: ) but still the same result.

Anyway I would wonder if avast-developers did program avast for any pc except my nvidia as I did run hundreds of applications and never had a display / menu - viewing Problem with other programs.

Any other sugestions?

  • Which Avast…? (Free/Pro/IS/Premier)
  • OS…? (32/64 Bit…? - which SP/Build…?)
  • Other security related software installed…?
  • Which AV(s) did you use before Avast…?
- Which Avast..? (Free/Pro/IS/Premier)
- OS..? (32/64 Bit..? - which SP/Build..?)
Windows 10 Pro 64Bit Version 1607 Build14393.1358 (latest Update yesterday)
- Other security related software installed..?
- Which AV(s) did you use before Avast..?
None as I had to install Windows new after a crash from the big May-update.
  1. Download Avast Free Antivirus: https://files.avast.com/iavs9x/avast_free_antivirus_setup_offline.exe
  2. Follow instructions: https://www.avast.com/uninstall-utility (Run this tool for all prior installed Avast versions…!!)
  3. Reinstall Avast with the downloaded installer from point 1.
  4. Reboot.

i think that’s “fontdrvhost.exe” issue…
check the event log…

Thank you mr.sunghoon !!!

That wa the solution ! Avast needs running fontdrvhost.exe !!

As I want few tasks running on my system I normally kill it per batch on startup.

I did copy “C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software\Avats\Fonts” to “C:\windows\fonts” but running fontdrvhost is still necessary (does anyone know how to bypass fontdrvhost?)