Bug report

I downloaded and tried Avast4, both Italian and English Versions.

Italian version bug:
installer forgets to install “CheckListSimple.chm” (!!!) so avast gives an error when loading control panel.

Both versions:
Sometimes Outlook Express 6.0 asks three times the password (however it shows it as already inserted with stars (********) ) so i have to push three times enter.
Quite strange! → ???

Italian version also miss italian help.
I offer myself to translate it, who can i ask source texts?


I cannot comment on the Italian version since I use the English one, but you can report bugs to the Avast Support team support@asw.cz

Help files can be a problem when translated, and I am sure that Avast does its’ best. If you contact them, they will surely correct whatever “bugs” need fixing.

Thank you for your comments and suggestions.


Regarding your outlook express 6 problem if you are running win98se and the latest edition of outlook express 6 one of the problems might be that that version does not work properly with win98se. It seems that the latest version of outlook expresss 6 does something to the comctl32.dll that makes it unstable for other programs to use.
Also there seems to be a problem running avast mail protection wizard and outlook express. It seems that the mail protection wizard changes something in outlook making it unsuable by isp email address though a hotmail account for receiving will still work.
I find it strange that in the mail protection wizard for i.p number it uses if I remeber correctly that i.p number is a loop back and is only use for testing. Please correct me if I am wrong.

As for the Italian helps - they are already being translated (but of course, it might take some time to finish).
The Italian installation still need some tuning and fixing (though you are right, the help file shouldn’t be missing there of course). To stop the errors, just copy the CheckListSimple.chm file from the Enlish\Help into Italian\Help (I think the English help should have been put there anyway for now).

Sometimes Outlook Express 6.0 asks three times the password (however it shows it as already inserted with stars (********) ) so i have to push three times enter.
It means that avast was unable to connect to the mail server. When you push OK, avast tries to connect again. Yes, maybe it's a little bit confusing.
Also there seems to be a problem running avast mail protection wizard and outlook express. It seems that the mail protection wizard changes something in outlook making it unsuable by isp email address though a hotmail account for receiving will still work.
Mail protection wizard changes SMTP and POP3 server addresses in your account to as is noted on its first page. Avast is not able to scan mail for viruses without this change. Hotmail account is not changed because it doesn't use SMTP/PO3 and therefore it is not protected by avast.
I find it strange that in the mail protection wizard for i.p number it uses if I remeber correctly that i.p number is a loop back and is only use for testing. Please correct me if I am wrong.

OK :wink: is indeed a (testing) loopback, but is commonly used (imho in all socket implemenetations, not only under Windows) is a (pseudo-) address of the local computer. That is, it’s just the address of the computer itself.

And since the avast mail proxies run on the computer itself, it’s quite reasonable that the Mail Protection Wizard changes the server settings to 127.0.01. No magic, really.

Hope this helps,