[BUG] The games added in game mode stack in the single tile.

Hello, I have recently updated Avast to version 17.1.2286 and I noticed the Game Mode in Performance tab. It seems very useful and I am very happy you have decided to add it to avast, great job!

However when I add a games that are not on the list, using the game path, they are appearing in the same tile, replacing the game that has been there previously. This does not happen when I add the game listed in the add game list, they are added as a separate tiles.

I have also noticed that even though the games added via the game path are not visible they are recognised by avast when I start them.


we are aware of this issue and we are working on a fix

I logged into the forum specifically to post about this issue, but it looks like someone beat me to the punch. This ‘new and improved’ gaming mode looks amazing, and I was disappointed when I found the bug. I was glad to find out that the Avast team is already working on a fix. Looking forward towards that fix, too ;D

Hello Pawlow,

this issue has been solved and fix is released. After restarting your computer you should be able to manually add games as separate tiles in both ways you mentioned.

I’ve manually checked for program update, re-started the system and Game Mode is still stacking games one on top of another… ::slight_smile:

There was a slight set-back with the microupdate mechanism. It’s finally live now :slight_smile: Add Game should now always create a new tile for you, irrespective of the auto-detections.