I have noticed for the past few days that the date of the virus database updates is lagging for me.
Example: Today, 24/09, 3.52 pm CET (Germany) and I just received the definition update with the number .
I assume that this is yesterday’s updated version. But what about today’s? Is this also the latest update number you guys have for the definitions?
I have set automatic updates to 240 minutes and my machine is permanently online and connected.
Thanks for your help.
Edit: ok, so I did some more research and Im more relieved now. But this appears to be a bug.
If I look in the UI under last update it gives me the correct database number (here:. But when the update is actually is performed it shows the older number.
I also rightclicked for “show last popup” and it gives the correct number. But the popup that appears when the update happens doesnt.
PS.: And for all of you who wonder why I observe these things, Im sitting at my desk 24/7 at the moment.
virus update history. http://www.avast.com/virus-update-history
be aware that the website sometimes is behind what your AV show as updating the website has lower priority then pushing out updates
VPS are usually released twice a day, more if needed and some days none … it depends what happens out in the virus world
then you have stream updates, that i think are released evry 3 minutes or so?
unless you see any errors on your program it works as it should and no reason to worry
Last but not least, in seeking perfection, we will release the Continuously streaming update (CSU) technology or, in other words, we will see 300 to 400 daily virus definition updates, [b]almost one each 3.75 minutes,[/b] 24/7, 365 days a year.
Avast 8 is receiving streaming updates every 3 to 5 minutes lately. It does vary at times but usually always receives a streaming update no less than 10 minutes.
It is the update notification popup that lags behind one full day, and only the popup that shows immediately after the update process. The popup I got today (26/09) indicated a database from yesterday in the popup.
In UI and on “show last popup” the date is correct.
I tried the repair option and did a reboot. Now I will have to wait for the next update popup.
The problem with the screenshot will be to catch the right moment but I extended the notification period for that purpose.
There is nothing out of ordinary in the popup except for the wrong date. UI shows correctly 130925-1 right now. But the popup this morning right after update showed 130924-0.
Am I right to not worry since UI information is relevant and here the date is correct?
The problem with the screenshot will be to catch the right moment but I extended the notification period for that purpose.
nope .... just click the pin in top right corner of the popup, that will make it stay on screen
or if missed youcan right click tray icon, and show last popup, then pin it
or if missed youcan right click tray icon, and show last popup, then pin it
no unfortunately not: doing this prompts a popup that shows the database number correctly. The numer is only wrong in the popup that comes up directly during/after the update process