Yesterday I’ve downloaded latest unofficial build of eMule program from here:
Since it’s compiled by one forum user, it invoked CyberCapture. And that’s where things got really strange…
Firstly, Windows SmartScreen dialog appeared about the file and when I clicked “Run anyway”, CyberCapture dialog appeared. But I couldn’t close the Windows SmartScreen dialog. And this remained true even after I received a CyberCapture verdict from the servers. The file was confirmed clean, but the Windows SmartScreen dialog CANNOT be closed regardless of what button I click. I’ll now have to logout to get rid of it because there is no way to close it.
Second issue is that I found during this instance as I was trying to record all of this for this bug report is that after clicking “Show last popup message” to display the CyberCapture popup again, I’ve noticed that after recalling the popup again, none of buttons on it work anymore. “Close” and “More details” buttons simply do nothing. I had to click X to close it without a chance to see more details about it because that button didn’t work either.