Build .1489 - Possible Bug: Virus Alerts message sending


well done, man!

Things are looking UP!!! Received this reply from Avast Support today. :slight_smile:

avast! Mail shield supports ssl/tsl, however secure connection was not supported in avast! alerts. it has been implemented to the latest version thanks to your feedback.

Best Regards,

Petr Bucek
Technical Support

AVAST Software a. s.
Budějovická 1518/13A
140 00 Prague, Czech Republic

Ticket Details

Ticket ID: YGB-910-26500
Department: Technical Support (Level 2)
Type: Communication
Status: On Hold
Priority: High

Support Center:

Good news!

Not sure where it has been implemented, though. Avast 8 R3 Beta or Avast 2014 Beta1?

Looks like they fixed it!!! It’s working in the 2014 Version. I was “reluctant” to try it and earlier than that seeing as how they didn’t put a date on when they were going to resolve the issue, and when I checked before it was still a problem.

Yeah, I’m using Avast! Free 9.0.2008 (it’s the previous 2014 build) and it’s currently working.