Business products Beta version 8.0.1600

Hi all,
I’m glad to announce public beta of upcoming program update of Endpoint protection solutions including SOA and EA consoles.

AEA (ver.8.0.365.381):
SOA (ver.

Managed clients (ver.8.0.1600.393):

avast! Email and File server security (ver. 8.0.1600.393.):

Console Fixes+New features:


  • Global Exclusions: limit of exclusions has been increased
  • Boot time scan: scan is finished without user interaction
  • Localization bug causes console to freeze: should be now fixed
  • Performance tab was added to the Scanning task
  • Dynamic groups should sort Win7 and newer OSs properly

Known issues:

  • Windows 8 is listed in the console and reports, instead of windows 8.1


  • Boot time scan parameters should work properly
  • Exchange tab in Shield settings is no longer visible when EPS license is used
  • UI layout problems in Russian language should be fixed

Known issues:

  • Windows 8 is listed in the console and reports, instead of windows 8.1

Client side changes:

  • FW installation process has been changed for Win 8.1
  • Sandbox/Autosanbox modification: mostly on the server side
  • MS Outlook mail add-in has been completely changed
  • FW - Network tools should display specified location

Known issues:

  • MS Exchange shield - startup issues after upgrade

New supported platforms:
Win 8.1
Win 2012R2

Any feedback is appreciated.


I am loading on a new server and when I open the console, the deployment related options are all missing. Is this an error or something I did wrong?

Could you please be more specific?

This is the message I get back in regards to why you don’t have a full version of business products compatible with Windows 8.1:

"Hello Steven,

Since the release of Windows 8.1 we have been working diligently to put out a product to support it, and have recently released a beta version.
Below is the forum regarding the topic.

As it is beta, you may find small issues, but do know that we plan to release a full version shortly after the newyear.

Best regards,

Max Marak
AVAST Corporate"

I’d like some more answers. As our company is an Avast reseller and exclusively sells and installs Avast Business products on our clients, I’m shocked that a compatible consumer version was available before business versions have been finalized. I don’t (shouldn’t) have to tell you this is a booming market right now to get business clients out of XP and into new OS/hardware. All the new OEM hardware is installed with 8.1 and since all 8.0 clients get free upgrades to 8.1 there is an even bigger migration from 8.0 to 8.1. I feel uncomfortable (as well as our clients) that their brand new hardware can’t use your products. I’ve had to make the hard decision to install one of your competitor’s endpoint protection software on 2 of our larger clients due to the fact that you don’t offer a compatible full business version (~roughly 85 computers/servers).

My questions are, what is the hold up in getting an 8.1 compatible version released? 8.1 has been has been available to you guys since at the latest in September. It’s now December. Do you anticipate issues like this going forward where the business software is going to lag behind the consumer software? Should I start shopping for a new AV software company to partner with? With as much competition as there is in the AV software arena, I’m shocked that the “top AV software company” who constantly sends me material stating you have “the most computers installed with Avast than any competitor in the world” takes 3+ months to release compatible business software.

Additionally, I can appreciate that you’ve released beta versions to the public. However, despite the effort a) there is no way anyone in this company is going to place a beta version of an AV software on any business clients in a production environment, and b) we neither have the time nor resources to even begin running test beds to ensure it will work in their environments. I don’t know of anyone in IT worth their salt that would install beta products in a business production environment.

The fact that new versions of the software come to the consumer space first is standard operating procedure for avast, this is unlikely to change. Among other reasons for this, we believe that the business space has higher demands on the product, and the release of new versions to the consumer space first provides the needed feedback for making sure that the product is ready for the business space. There is no “lag”, it is completely intentional.

We understand that everyone is eager to get out of 8.0 and that new hardware is often forced to come with Win 8, even if this is not always what the companies would prefer. While this compatibility is definitely a very annoying issue, it is important to keep perspective. The amount of our business customers that are on Win 8 and therefore affected by this is in the single % digits of the total as most (and especially larger) businesses are more conservative with their OS choices. However this does not mean that these users are not important to us and we are aware that this will become more of an issue as time goes on, for new business especially (as in your case), which is why we are actually rolling out the update to the business products much ahead of when it was originally scheduled for.

I absolutely agree with your approach to the BETA, we definitely do not recommend wide deployment on customer systems or production environments. It is unfortunate that you cannot participate in the process, but I understand that not everyone has the resources to do so. Keep in mind that resources being limited is a fact of life for us at avast also, we do our best to roll out the updates when they are needed, however even once it is started, the process takes time and resources. It is in situations like these when we need our partners, our resellers, the most. To help us explain the situation to the customer and reduce as much as possible the business lost until the needed updates are ready.

So, please hang in there and help us hold the line while we work on the needed testing and fixes to ensure this update is clean and adds to the value of the product beyond just adding Win 8.1 compatibility.

2013/12/30 - any progress in the past 12 days? While not impacting our production environment yet, it has put a halt to our test cycle, typically 3 month test cycle, that needs to complete before we order replacement hardware. We are getting desperately close to a drop dead date to complete testing, place an order, and stage and deploy equipment prior to the April EOL data for XP… I’d say you’ve got about 14 days before Avast! becomes synonymous with work disruption in our environment.

At the moment we are finalizing testing on this, some extra last minute tests are being made. We seem to be on track to release this week, if not then next week.

Sounds great cuz im getting 8.1 clients soon :slight_smile:

Do you know if this release addresses the issue that causes Windows 8.1 to crash if aswSnx.sys is in the system32\drivers folder?

I have verified on 2 win8.1 machines so far that the client installs successfully, but on reboot windows will crash if aswSnx.sys is in the system32\drivers folder. When I remove that file, it boots normally.

How do things look?

Release has been officially delayed until next week.

Déjà vu

The program update has been released…please refer to the link above regarding updating.

Thanks for the Information.

What about the upgrade of an existing malfunctioning installation.

Is there an upgrade path included, into the new updated beta version, starting from Avast free AV?

On my Windows 8.1 Clients I was forced to install the free AV to use any functioning AV software.

Is it possible to upgrade from free AV to AEPSP using an install package from AEA console?

Best regards


Is there any progress on getting Windows 8.1 to work yet?
