Hi (first post),
Is there a way to bypass the delete confirmation dialog for email?
Seems the spammers are sending me more and more and it’s taking too much of my attention just to download my email.
I understand this confirmation dialog is a precaution to prevent deleting false reports,
but after several years I think I’ve had one that wasn’t actually a virus and it wouldn’t have mattered if that email had been deleted as well.
Or at least could I redirect any emails marked for deletion to a separate folder?
Is there a subscription notification link I’m missing somewhere or are we automatically notified of any responses?
Personally I would deal with the spam issue first as that would reduce the alerts anyway.
You can set the Internet Mail provider, Customize, Advanced tab, Silent mode and General answer No, that should send them to the chest.
I use MailWasher Pro, although it is primarily for Spam it is also easy to deal with suspicious emails, deleting them of the email server before calling your email program to download the remainder of the email. There is a free version, but this only works with a single email account. The Pro version works with multiple accounts.
Thanks, I was looking under Program Settings.
I have tried controlling the Spam, but to no avail since they use my own domain name to send it.
No matter how I block a spoofed address Thunderbird doesn’t seem to filter most of it.
I may look into the program you mention and only need it for one account anyway.
How about getting an email notification when someone responds to a topic I am subscribed to in
this forum and how do I subscribe?
Ok, found the Notify button at the top, is there a place I can automatically be subscribed to any topics I post to?
I have one manual filter that gets round that which I call MeMe (imaginative eh), so if I receive an email to my email address and it is from that same email address then it gets flagged for deletion as I’m not in the habit of sending email to myself.
It certainly saves me a lot of time, especially on dial-up, the only thing I do is exclude that applications email traffic from being scanned by the Internet Mail provider as it doesn’t download the whole email (no attachments) only a small part (user configurable) and it is viewed in text mode, so presents a very, very limited risk (which might have avast alert). So if you decide to proceed and get alerts on the mailwasher traffic and you want to exclude it let me know.
By default you should get email notifications on topics you create or contribute, so you should be getting email notifications unless you specifically disabled that option when you first registered.
So you shouldn’t need to click the notify button.
In the forum displays there is also a neat link, ‘Show new replies to your posts’ (see image) that is what I use makes life even easier and you don’t have to have the Notify setting in the profile set to email you. Note the location will be in a different location as I have a different theme (Babylon) to the default forum one.
Not sure how much I will be seen around here,
I’m more the graphic artist type so only trying to make life a little easier with the alerts.
I’m pretty happy with Avast for the time being (not received any viruses since using it),
so just letting it run in the background is what I really want in a virus scanner.
OT:I did try a trial ( a few years ago) of mail washer,
didn’t keep it around long, but I didn’t have the spam issue to anywhere near the degree as now.
I’ve had MailWasher for many, many years, from when I used the free version (at that time it had multi account support) and eventually bought it at about version 3, and have had free upgrades since then, currently using 6.5.3.
So it was one of my best purchases in terms of free upgrades, I wouldn’t be without it, a real boon on dial-up.
a long way from the telephone exchange, I don’t think anyone would voluntarily use dial-up. It is actually possible to get cheaper broadband connection plans from what I’m paying for dial-up, assuming you could get a reliable broadband connection.
Plus on some satellite services you still have to have a POTS (Plain Old Telephone System) connection as the requests (outbound) go out that way and the download is by satellite (so you may have a bill for that side also). Otherwise satellite both ways costs the earth (pun intended), one example - Equipment Cost £454.99 - Installation Cost £253 and this is over and above your monthly charge.
As far as Wi Max goes that is possibly an option but is still not very well covered and you have to have a base antenna/station, which is only financially viable if you have enough to share the cost.
David, I’m not made of money and I live in a city 10 floors up in an appartment so living out in the country like you is only dream.
A friend of mine has satelite and when he uses the Internet he has to be using the POTS but that’s not long distance.
When the weather gets bad so does the Internet.