Cab Avast scan for and rewmove what is causing internet explorer script errors?

I am getting numerous internet explorer script error pop ups, …and I am using fire fox?..

is there a way to add the URL to the list of items Avast scans for on my computer?

an example of the errors i speak of is this:

are these script errors, really malware?

what do I do to stop these script errors once and for all?

is there a way to have Avast scan for and find these error causing pop up notices and remove them ?

welcome to the forum. it sounds like you could have been hit by a malware.

scan with malwarebytes antimalware.

download install update and do a scan.

you could also do a scan with avast and see if it picks up anything.

if we need to give you more support we would be glad to know a little more information on your system.

like whats your os and what version of avast you using?

good luc and let us know on the progress.