how much mb of space of cache is appropiate for firefox,can anyone help me out?right now i have to that good?
If you have no HDD space issues then for most HDDs 150MB is small potatoes, the figure in the link (50MB) given by polonus seems reasonable.
A lot depends on how you use firefox do you have lots of tabs open and do you use dial-up or broadband (less requirement for a cache with a fast connection).
i use cable is that the same thing as broadband?and usually i only have like two or three tabs open at the same time
Cable is usually faster than broadband.
Where I live, it’s also more expensive.
My system has 1.75 terabytes in my case, cache size means absolutely nothing.
I also clean out the cache every time the system is restarted using CCleaner.
Yes it is, Cable can be faster than regular ADSL broadband.
Then I think you could drastically reduce it to probably even less than 50MB. Or clean out the cache periodically, I think you can even set firefox to clear the cache on shutdown.
Hi DavidR,
The method is to push Ctrl + Shift + Del at the end of the session, and run ClearProg at the end of the computer session. That at least is what I do. What is in the cache can be viewed with a program called MozillaCacheView from (the link given to me by bob3160 - again thanks bob)
Me being a dial-up user I need all the help I can get ;D so I don’t delete the cache.