Cage Match: Ubuntu Linux Vs. Windows Vista

With Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn released last week, bloggers, journalists, and users are asking the inevitable question: How does it compare with the other major OS update this year, Windows Vista.
Serdar Yegulalp at Information Week have written up a detailed comparison of the two operating systems. We have to agree with most of the points made. Here’s the bullet point version, with our two cents thrown in at the end

I’m very happy with Kubuntu Festiy Fawn and waiting for KDE 4 in the second semester of this year.
Ubuntu has a predictable 6 month update period. Things are going better faster than you can imagine.
Beryl window manager give us the solution for customizing appearance and earns a test in your computer…

Bio on the guy that wrote the article:

Serdar Yegulalp

Serdar Yegulalp is a former Senior Technoloy Editor with Windows Magazine (also, and has been writing about and working with NT and related technologies since its 3.51 release. He writes a weekly newsletter dealing with Windows NT 4.0, Windows 2000 and Windows XP issues, entitled “Windows 2000 Power Users”, at

Think his opinion might be a bit slanted?

[b]Amazon’s price for Windows Ultimate Vista = $358.99

The price for Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn = $0

Freedom of choice?


Very interesting reading, thanks drhayden1.

Actually, I think his opinion seems pretty balanced. Some of the things he has issues with I fully agree with. I absolutely love Ubuntu 7.04, but there is no way that I would put it on my parents system. They would have a helluva time. Even though my printer is supported Epson Stylus Photo R200…printing is very glitchy. I find myself needing to use the command line for many things that I simply wouldn’t have to bother with in Windows. There needs to be more drivers available for older hardware. I realize that burden lies with the makers of the hardware, but it’s still an annoyance. My Lexmark X83 is detected as Canon ;D The average person would have a difficult time with these things. They would become frustrated very quickly.

With that being said… I only boot up into XP when I wanna play a good game. I would choose Ubuntu over Vista mainly because of the DRM garbage. There are many Linux based Distros that are definitely headed in the right direction and moving quickly. These are exciting times.