Call blocker crashes on SE Xperia Mini


I downloaded your great Mobile Security today. All functions work fine, except the Call blocker.
I created a group for callers without number. My SE Xperia Mini reject the call, but the Mobile Security crashs.

Other call blockers work fine, but I don’t want to install two separate apps for one and the same function.

Thanks a lot for your help.



what do you mean by “group for callers without number”? That is the “hidden number” option? Does the group contain only the hidden numbers or some other numbers as well?


Hi Filip,

yes, I try to block all calls with hidden number. I created a new group and added “callers with hidden number”
The calls will blocked, but the app chrashes after that.

PS: sorry my App is in German, so it is a little bit tricky the translate the exact menu items.

Thanks for your help.

PS: can it be that your call-reject-way is not compatible with SE Xperia Mini? Some other apps offer different techniques.
PPS: is a new version (maybe a beta)in sight?



OK, I will see about the crash.

I think it should be compatible since we actually have SE Xperia Mini for testing as far as I can remember now.

Can’t tell anything specific about versions to come, sorry.


Also i with this problem.

I have LG P500

Program crash with anonymous call and not work (as filter) with incoming normal call

Ok filter for SMS and for outcoming call

Hi Filip,

thanks a lot for checking.
I think the problem is being caused by your call-reject-technique.
Maybe you could add a small choice of different call-reject-technique, so your users can find
the right one for theirs phones.

Other apps offers different ways too, but I don’t want other apps - your apps is the all-in-one solution!

Thanks a lot and a Happy New Year :wink:

Well, this sounds strange, I will test it and let you know.

Hi Filip, hi Jan,

could you test the software / reproduce the problem with your SE Xperia Mini?



I actually think this has been discovered and will be fixed in the next update :slight_smile:


Hi Filip,

this would be really great - under the current conditions it is not possible to use the call blocker. That’s is really too bad :frowning:


Hi Filip,

the call blocking function work fine with your last update.
Thanks four your great support.


Glad to hear that :slight_smile:


Now works, ok also for me.

LG P500