Call Blocking and Text Blocking

I am curious about these features. I would like to replace Root Call Blocker.

  • Can I add numbers to a block list?

    • Can I select them from the call log and enter them manually?
    • Can I use wildcards?
  • Can I just disconnect blocked calls without sending them to voicemail?

  • Is the first ring supressed on block calls?

  • Can I set it so block calls/text do not show in the notification bar?

  • Can I block private, unknown, withheld,etc. numbers?

  • Can I add numbers to a block list? // Yes.

    • Can I select them from the call log and enter them manually? // No, only from contact list, yes, you canenter them manually
    • Can I use wildcards? // yes, but will not help
  • Can I just disconnect blocked calls without sending them to voicemail? // yes

  • Is the first ring supressed on block calls? // yes, whenever is possible to do it

  • Can I set it so block calls/text do not show in the notification bar? // no

  • Can I block private, unknown, withheld,etc. numbers? // yes

If I wanted to block everything that comes from 201-112-****, I would not be able to do it? Can this be added in the future?

Can you explain what you mean about supressing the first ring whenever possible?

Will you be able to make blocked calls only show in a blocked call log from within the app, not in the notification bar? If you are blocking someone, why be notified in the notification bar?

We are thinking about adding some wildcard support in the future.

On some devices it is possible to suppress the call without the first ring.

This might be possible on rooted devices, but on non-rooted ones the notification can’t be suppressed in some cases (that applies for Android 2.3.x and higher I think).


Root Call Blocker can just log in the app log. It doesn’t use the notification bar unless you want it. But it only works on rooted phones…which is fine.

Fine for you, not fine for the next 10 people :slight_smile: We might add root SMS/call blocking sometimes in the future, but surely won’t be in the next few versions, sorry.


I just enabled call blocking for non-contacts in avast! and it seems to be working well (its allowing numbers on my contact list to call, and sending unfamiliar numbers straight to voicemail without ringing)

When it sends a call from someone who isnt on my contacts list, straight to voicemail, the phone LED flashes as if there is an alert…

But nothing is showing up in the Android pull down notification screen (just the usual “avast! is protecting you”) so unless I happen to see the phone flash, and then choose to load avast!, click on the call blocking tab, and then click on logs, I dont know that anyone tried to call me.

Is there an option in avast! so blocked calls are listed in the Android notification tab ?


no, not at the moment, sorry. It has been discussed before that approx half of the users like the way it is now and the other half would like to have a notification. We chose the first way cause we think it’s more proper, but the option might be added sometimes in the future cause I’m basically not against the idea.


Hi Filip,

Thanks for the prompt reply.

I understand why some users do not want the notifications… they want unwanted numbers to not bother them at all and thus not show up where they will see them all the time.

However other users like myself who use their phone as a tablet a lot may want to screen calls so unfamiliar numbers divert straight to voice mail without interrupting any app/webpage they might be using on the phone, but still easy to look at what calls were missed later. And familiar numbers (friends, family etc) will get through and can be answered.

Something like a simple tick box that says whether the call logs that avast! keeps will also be copied into the notification window, would do the trick and satisfy both kinds of users.


I know and as I said, it might get in the app in the future.


Здравствуйте. Нечаянно добавила в блокировку адресата. От него приходили СМС сообщения. В журнале вижу только начало сообщения. Как их открыть или восстановить чтобы прочитать?

Hi Avast.
It would not let me post a new topic, so trying my luck here. Hope somebody sees it.
I am using the call blocker in Avast.
I have blocked all unknown and all hidden numbers. My question is: all unknown numbers, will it block numbers on my contact list also, if they are not registered?
I could use a feature in the blocker, that allows only numbers on my coctact list.
By blocking all unknown numbers, will I then also block numbers on my contact list, if they have an unregistered number?
Hope somebody can give me an answer.
I have tried different call blockers, but I definitely like the build in blocker in Avast the most. But Im afraid that I will not get a call from friends, that have an unregistered number.
Best regards
Fini from Denmark
And thanks for a great antivirus for my Android gadgtets :slight_smile:


I’m not sure what numbers are you referring as “unregistered”. The option “all hidden numbers” will block all numbers that appear on your phone as “Caller unknown” or “Caller hidden”. The option “all unknown numbers” will block all numbers that are not in your contact list, but have an actual number displayed on your phone while calling/texting.


Hi Filip.
By unregistered I mean : numbers that shows when they call, but are not registered with adress and name at operators, phone books etc.
But I got the answer I was hoping for. Just wanted to be sure my friends on my contract list, can get through to me, even though they are “unknown” at operators, phone books etc. (it is possible in Denmark, to have such a number)
Thank you very much :slight_smile:


aha, OK, that concept of unregistered numbers doesn’t work here as far as I know (for mobile numbers). We don’t check for that so it doesn’t matter if it is registered or not :slight_smile:


Actually, there are some calls without valid Caller ID info, that will still ring even with the “unregistered” option enabled.

I had two the other day.
They show up as 0000000000 numbers.

Those do not appear to be blocked.

I have avast! installed and thought I was using the Call Blocking feature. But have been receiving many calls from car warranty and credit cards, among others. The number does appear on my phone, so once I figure out what it’s about I hang up and go into avast! and add the number to the Call Blocker listing from my call log. I was wondering how the callers managed to get so many new numbers (didn’t really pay attention to whether or not it was a recognized number), and then checked my Call Blocking history … only 2 blocked entries. So while I have lots of numbers listed in my Blacklist, the Blocker isn’t stopping them from coming through. Am I doing something wrong? Did I miss a setting somewhere?

Hi guys,

please, start new thread(s) if you have some issues, don’t resurrect threads that are years old, thanks.
