Call filter no longer working

I’m running AMS on my Galaxy S3 running android 4.1.2

I backed up AMS and it’s data and reset my phone. I’ve since restored the back up and AMS is working ok, but it will no longer block unwanted calls. It was working fine before.

The SMS filter is working fine, but the call filter is not working at all, either for outgoing or incoming calls.


how did you back up AMS?


With the mybackup root/pro app, I backed up the APKs and data

Hmm, unfortunatelly we don’t support that kind of behavior :-/ The quick fix is to delete AMS data, I’m pretty sure it will start working after that (and if you can backup/restore data separately, you can give this a try at least).


I had already tried deleting the all the data, but it’s not made any difference at all.

My AMS version is 2.0.4993

On a separate note:
Not being able to back up AMS setting is a real pain as every time the phone is updated the user has to manually in put everything again.


I see there is a back facility in the new version.

And if you completely uninstall and then reinstall, still doesn’t work?


Yep, I have to agree that Call Filtering is not working as it should. :-[ I have an HTC Desire C, with stock android ROM 4.0.3 and my ex was able to hack it :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: . Good for her but bad for me. She called me twice and the phone informed me that I had 2 calls. When I tried to figure out who called me, the HTC Dialer showed nothing. I thought that was something wrong with the built in dialer. Installed 2 different dialers. But then remembered to check the avast call & sms filter. Then I realized that were her calls. The sms filter is working fine though! 8) .

I think you should hire her to explain to you how she managed to do it. But I don’t want to get involved. She’s a biach ;D ;D ;D.

She’s just called me again. No ring, but this time showed the HTC dialer that it was hers (only on the lock screen, NOT in the main dialer program, There she’s invisible). She’s a pain in the a##. HEEEELP!

So it shows in the log of the SMS/Call filter, but actually doesn’t get blocked?


It blocks it, on some way. There is no ring. But the lock screen reports the missed calls. It showed the caller identity. :-\ The Avast log reported it as blocked.

Let me try some things first that might be wrong from my side. I have double the contacts. The SIM and Device contacts on the dialer. But blocked only the Device Contacts on the AVAST SMS and Call filter. There is a caller filter natively in the HTC Dialer also that I missed. Let me play with different settings. I may find something…

For now I blocked ALL the contacts (SIM and Device) through the avast filter. Waiting for the call. She hasn’t called yet. ???

If this fails, I’ll try the native caller filter. If it fails too, then something 's wrong with the ICS 4.0.3 kernel. Or something beyond our powers.

I 'll keep you informed for any progress.

Yep! Call and SMS filter is working flawlessly now. The problem was the double contacts I had on SIM and phone as well. Blocked them all, one by one. 8)

But there is another problem with the updates of Avast! It cannot download the latest virus definitions. It gets stuck downloading them. ???

How does it get stuck specifically? Did you try rebooting your device?


This portion is a concern to me and occurs with my cel as well. Iv tested by calling from an unknown #. The call activates my device as though its simply on SILENT MODE and it lights up my screen (with no ringer) just as any call would. Additionally, occurs for the length of time to VoiceMail pickup. I can even answer the call, as though I was simply monotoring calls.

Yes, the call is in the Avast log but it IS NOT being blocked.

If AMS is BLOCKING a call, it should immeatiatly send it to VoiceMail. This, again, is more simply an incoming call monitor and not actually a tool to BLOCK calls or numbers.

It does work as it should in blocking texts.

I am having issues too with Call & SMS Filter from Avast.

I DO NOT have SMS filter turned on, but Avast keeps asking me if it should allow SMS messages come through (via Google Voice text)

However I do have Call Filter Enable, and I think it’s working since I haven’t been bothered by phone calls I didn’t care for.

So for some reason even though I have SMS filtered OFF, Avast still ask me if it should allow.

That’s an option in Message Shield, not Call/SMS Filter. You can disable it in the options of the respective shield.

That’s a bug then. What device and OS version do you have? Custom ROM maybe?


Hey Filip…

Sorry for taking so long between response. Iv had other issues and events going on. However, I don’t do custom roms.

I’m not unlocked or rooted… I wish, for firewall purposes, but right now there’s a retarded US law against it and breaking the hardware agreement. This means no privacy protection via FCC regulations. Your nosy, rumor mill, tech savvy neighbor can now hack your camera and mic LEGALLY… or anyone else.

Samsung SCH-R720
Android 2.3.4
AMS Premium
Application Version: 3.0.6158

Virus Definition: 131023-01
Number of Definitions: 7044

Ill test again from with an number not saved in my contact lists… my buddies land line, but I have had other’s coming through as few as two days ago.