I have a 2yr AIS license and all is well. If I “down graded” to avast! Pro, would my AIS license work on the Pro version?
Mmmmm, don’t know for certain. But another option could be to do a custom install of AIS without the FW component, leaving you with the same thing as Avast! Pro, for all intents and purposes. Then the licenses would work for sure.
Yea, I know it’s a weird question, but I’m just curious. I recently uninstalled the firewall and I also don’t use the spam filter thingy.
An Avast! AIS license doesn’t work on Avast! Pro, but as Gargamel360 pointed out you can archieve the same with a custom install of AIS.
Greetz, Red.
Thanks for the info, I was just curious. 8)
Yes you can. You can not use pro for AIS.