I was in the middle of running my virus scanner … the alarm went off for adware and when I tried to move it to the chest I had access denied … so then I tried to delete it and I was still denied …
I e-mailed support, but I have it open now & my whole computer is running around it … I am afraid to close the screen without doing something …
I was in the middle of running my virus scanner .. the alarm went off for adware and when I tried to move it to the chest I had access denied ... so then I tried to delete it and I was still denied ..
What you can do is download a small programme called move on boot and it will remove the programme on next reboot before windows can protect it
It is okay to keep downloading things ?? I kind of thought that was part of the problem?
I was just thinking … I updated my Avast! today with a new number … do I need to reboot my computer before running the scans? Is that why access is denied?
The reason I asked avout version, etc is that the Virus database shown in the image in your second post is out of date 0530-1 is the latest VPS file and the latest program version is 4.6.691.
The programs I listed particularly 1&2 would be very useful in removing this type of adware.
I doubt it but is there an add remove entry for this - C:/Program/Files/Search Asisstant5/leapordsearch.exe ?
P.S. Pink is not a good highlight colour it is difficult to see on a white background.
Obviously caution is required when dowloading programmes, but this and the programmes that DavidR recommended are usefull tools in your armoury against malware. If a reboot is needed the the Avast programme will tell you, but VPS updates just fit in seamlessly.