Someone is making this Question to me and I would like to answer.
Can Avast Internet Security/Pro/Free Scan Password Protected Winzip or Winrar Files? if so, does Avast do this by default or do we have to configure it to do this?
Someone is making this Question to me and I would like to answer.
Can Avast Internet Security/Pro/Free Scan Password Protected Winzip or Winrar Files? if so, does Avast do this by default or do we have to configure it to do this?
No, it’s not possible (because they are… password protected).
No AV can do that, what would be the point in password protecting a file if a program could easily crack the password ?
However, the onlione virus scanner can scan rar/zip files if the password is INFECTED or VIRUS
Thanks for the answers, you can close this thread now…rm