Look up here: http://checkwebsitesafe.net/www/segurosya.net/
and here: https://safeweb.norton.com/report/show?url=segurosya.net
Different results!
Look up here: http://checkwebsitesafe.net/www/segurosya.net/
and here: https://safeweb.norton.com/report/show?url=segurosya.net
Different results!
WOT here: http://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/checkwebsitesafe.net
Looks odd, this site. Not only that, cannot report what WOT actually finds here: http://www.mywot.com/en/scorecard/segurosya.net
Hi mchain,
What is going on with these so-called recentwebscan results, I have tested the found red results against the actual Norton Safeweb results, and then you see the discrepancies, some were not even ever scanned by Norton Safeweb…
checkwebsitesafe is completely and utterly unreliable, almost like a scare scam.
Well the WOT community has not put it ton the test then. I won’t go there again, that is a certain fact…
Better check here, rather reliable and worked for me via a bookmarklet = http://scanurl.net/?u=about%3Ablank&k#results
This scanner isn’t bad either and also has an interesting lay-out, Japanese by the way: http://check.gred.jp/?tlb=bkmkt&url=about%3Ablank
I try scanurl.net, it’s cool web site, tnx ‘polonus’ for share this.