I noticed today on my computer the antivirus function of Zone Alarm Security Suite is saying my subscription is close to expiration but My parents comp has the same subscription but yet she was able to dl the latest antivirus updates fine.
Does this mean Im going to lose all the functions or what?
It means that from the expiry date, the so-called “licensing and registration” screen, the one with the little purple icon will start nagging you to reregister.
It also means that no virusdefinitions will be updated from that moment.
You can however simply uninstall the antivirus-part of it, keep the firewall (which will be reduced to the free-version from that moment) and install Avast! anti-virus.
Or you can uninstall the whole suite and install Avast! anti-virus and the new version of Zone-Alarm free firewall.
My understanding is that you keep the pro version but can no longer get any updates. When you bought the programme you also purchased one years updates, at the end of that no more updates but the programme as stands is yours. I will find out in 20 days when my current license expires…
Just bear in mind that a FREE, UPDATED version is far better than a PRO OUTDATED version.
It’s the updates that keep your protection current to all the new outbreaks which are constantly happening.
If you can’t or don’t want to renew, then switch to alternative but updatable programs. IMHO