Can i distribute avast?

I have many friends who don’t have internet. When i told them that avast has removed more than 20 viruses, 40 Trojans and 1 ad ware from my computer, they are saying that they want avast. So can i distribute avast to them for FREE?

I don’t know how this can be achieved (I’m only an avast user like you) as the registration has to be completed by the person as they are effectively stating that they comply with the home/non-commercial use and a third party can’t attest to that for them.

They have to enter an email for the registration key to be sent to, if you continually entered the same email you would get sent the same registration key which can’t be used on multiple systems not in your house/home.

Dude, i have more than 3 email addresses. Also when their registration expires after 14 months, i can give them a new one with the same regd. email address.

It isn’t so much the lack of email addresses, but the user declaration they qualify for home, non-commercial use in the registration.

Also being off-line they won’t have access to the incremental VPS updates.

I will provide them VPS updates regularly. Since avast update frequency is very high i.e almost 1 update in every 2 days, i will provide them updates every week. And i am not going to sell avast as i don’t have any right to do so. I will just charge them for the CD and the downloads.

And don’t show me the regn. page. I am a regd. user of avast home.

I simply pointing to the reason why the individual has to register and not a third party because of the declaration ‘they’ are making, it is as simple as that. If you choose to ignore that requirement that is up to you but it isn’t something I can condone or approve that permission you need direct from Alwil Software, the makers of avast, or

The point that DavidR is trying to make is that by it self you can install Avast on every computer but legally the person who owns the computer has to register with their email adress not yours.

If I recall correctly I had to register before Avast would update.
I see no good reason not to register, and one has a choice to do it or get another AV.


The issue is that the people he wants to do this for don’t have internet access or an email address so can’t register and make the declaration, much less update.

You don’t have to register to get updates as the 60 day trial period allows for updates (on-line or off-line manual update), after that you have to register.