Hey guys I am kenangelo123 from Youtube. I am here to ask two questions. Is avast compatible with Windows XP 64bit SP1? Thanks in advance!
Hi Keanangelo123 from youtube,
You should have SP2 to install avast : http://www.avast.com/free-antivirus-download#tab2
I don’t see the reason why don’t want to update to SP2. It was released long ago and still you are on SP1 ??? :
There is a SP 2 for XP 64bit?
I thought the x64 Version only had 1 SP.
Yep, there is… :
According to wikipedia(See pic) : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_XP_Professional_x64_Edition
And you can download it here : http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/en/details.aspx?FamilyID=893fd6c0-6283-44c3-bb84-b2f0315b2ae6&pf=true
Yeah, I found that too… sry. 8)
No need to be sry. Happens to everyone :).
thanks to both of you for replying. Okay I will going to download SP2 tonight. Thanks though
You’re Welcome. Let us know what happened.