Can I manually transfer passwords to a new machine?

Long story short, wifes Laptop has died. She used Avast Password Manager but had not setup an account so there was no synchronization going on.

I can access the HDD if I open the laptop up and hook it up to a new machine to browse, I was wondering if its possible to manually transfer the saved passwords/vault to a new machine, install Avast Password Manager and open it up using her master password (that she knows).

I believe the passwords will be stored in C:\Users<your username>\AppData\Local\Avast Software called APM (Avast Password Manager)

Is there literally a file(s) I can copy from there, to a new machine and place them in the same AppData Local folder and have Avast try and open them up on a new machine?

So I managed to get this to work! So i’ll explain the steps here for anyone else finding themselves in the same situation.

If you have Avast Password Manager on a machine and you were not syncing with an Avast account, you can transfer the passwords from one hard drive to another machine and access the passwords!

Firstly, you need to get the passwords of the machine thats broken, so you need to access the machines hard drive.

Then, copy the passwords from the following folder location…

C:\Users<your username>\AppData\Local\Avast Software\APM

Inside there you should see a folder and a file (maybe more than one) with your username in the name, copy all of those somewhere.

Then on the new PC, you have to do the following steps with Avast uninstalled. You won’t be able to copy those files into the new harddrive at the same location while Avast is installed, the AppData\Local\Avast Software folder will be blocked.

So, uninstall Avast.

Then copy over those files into the same location…

C:\Users<your username>\AppData\Local\Avast Software\APM

You may have to renamed them too. If your username on the new machine is different to the previous one, rename both the folder and files that contained your username with the new one.

Reinstall Avast.

Open up password manager and it should prompt you for the Master Password, input that and you’re good!

I think you can also do this from withing Passwords as follows,
Open the Avast Password Manager User Interface and select Menu

From the Menu pull-down, select Settings
When this opens, select import export data

On the next Menu, at the bottom select export to file

Save that file where you can retrieve it easily.
After the new install, again follow this only in the last step you would use “Import from file”
Hope that helps.

Yes, but as mentioned, the laptop had died and all I had access to was the HDD, I could not boot the laptop up to access Avast, I could only access the contents of the HDD as an external device.

This is for people in similar situations that need to manually get the passwords onto a new machine to access via Avast on another device.

You are correct but, just as with an image backup of your computer, it’s always best to prepare for an emergency before it happens.
You were lucky that the drive was still usable externally after the crash. :slight_smile: