Hi. A friend of mine has a teenager who is turning off the families current anti-virus program (Webroot antivirus) and they are infected. She turns it off because it slows her computer down too much she says. They want to know… Can the free version of Avast be set up with a password so it can’t be disabled unless the password is used? If so please let me know how so I can help them. Thank you so much. I appreciate the help.
Yes, Avast 6 has a password protection…On Top Under “Settings” about half way down…I have mine checked ON all except “Program Access” and “Updates” If someone starts Avast and tries to even change or view or Disable Avast …It Prompts you for a Password…
Cheers!!! and Safe Surfing!!!
Yes! It has a Password.
Here’s How to:
- Click Avast orange ball
- Click Setting Right top on the GUI.
- Under the settings click Password
- Check Protect avast with password and type a password.
- Check all the boxes if you really want your avast to be only accessed by you.
I want to thank both of you for the replies. I am trying to get them to switch to Avast and once I do (hopefully I do) I will password protect the program for them so their daughter can’t disable it. With the password protection it will still update without having to enter a password correct?
Just leave the update setting as is.
The password is only protecting against changing the avast settings (don’t know if that stops you disabling it), so it shouldn’t interfere with the updates.
If you don’t want your daughter doing anything with avast!, check all the boxes. However, I will warn, there have been password problems that avast! can’t fix and require a fresh install.