My system updated Avast v6 to v7. After a few updates, a scan with Avast destroyed my operating system and many other important pieces of software. Avast was uninstallable or updateable. To fix anything I had to format my drive and start installing everything from scatch. This almost sounds like what I went through shortly after Avast was updated from version 5 to version 6.
Anyway, after a fresh operating system install and more than 24 hours work to reinstall other components I was somehow under the impression that version 7 had been fixed. I reinstalled Avast and watched. After a few updates, it was again not updateble, or uninstallable. I did not allow it to scan my system. I used your special tool to uninstall it from DOS mode.
I have now installed the last version of 6 in an attempt to stay with Avast anti-virus. I would like to know if I can continue to use version 6 without updating to version 7 while you work the bugs out of this newer version. It certainly is buggy, and I would venture trhat for the moment, it shouldn’t even be out of Beta the way it is operating.
I am sorry for your problems, but would like to know if staying with 6 is possible. My only other alternative would be to completely abandon my use of Avast as my anti-virus solution.
Thanks for your time.
I have the free version of Avast installed in Windows Home Sp3… I am a very experienced user and my computer had no problems before it was updated to your current version of AVast (7).
The OP can’t downgrade, but he/she can uninstall Avast and install v.6 and it will work. They will get the same virus definition updates. Just set your GUI Settings > Updates > Ask.
I’m not certain if I made this clear but I had already removed V7 and re-installed version 6, the most recent version that I had stored on my system. Also to repeat, I had for the second time reached a point with new version 7 where I could not update or uninstall without use of your special utility… Glad that you had that around or I would have been forced to format my partition to start again… !
With version 6 I was hoping that perhaps I could just install virus updates and such (not program updates) until a later date. At that time I would hope I might find some more favorable results with v7.
My uncertainty was as to whether I could avoid going up to v7 if I only were to manually request definitions updates and not program updates.
I have been very happy with v6… I am hoping that eventually I will be able to say the same for v7.
Sure, there’s no reason you can’t stay with ver 6. I’ve been a supporter of avast since ver. 4 and been happy with most of the improvements and or upgrades. I’m staying with ver 6 as this last one is too much.
I understand that even ver. 5 is still getting updates.
Actually you can go back to version 6 at any time, if you have it on your computer in your Downloads Folder, or wherever you put it.
You can get the Avast Uninstall Utility, boot into Safe Mode and uninstall ALL Avast versions.
Than after you get Avast version 6 on your computer, Register for your license. Than simply go under update settings, and have the Engine and Virus Definitions set to Auto, so you will get daily definition updates.
Set Update Program to Manual, and you will not get any notice about updates to any new versions. However, you can still open up the GUI, and update the program to later versions when you feel confident that they will be OK.
PS. There are people still on version 5 and I think version 4 is still floating around out there. Not sure if version 4 is still being updated with new definitions, but version 5 is.