Is Avast Home Edition compatable with an AMD Turion 64 processor with Vista? Site indicates that I need Pentium4 processor and says nothing about other brands. I have the necessary RAM, etc. Thanks!!!
Your CPU shouldn’t make any difference and avast also works with Vista 32bit and 64bit.
[b]For a computer running Windows® Vista:[/b] Pentium 4 processor, 512MB RAM and 50 MB of free hard disk space
The requirement must be because of Vista, as you can see on the same page it is much lower for other OSes.
Your Turion64 is more than up to the job I would have thought, the recommendation I would say is pentium4, equivalent or higher.
Thanks for your help! As you can see, I am not adept with technology. I did load avast on my computer and registered successfully, but when my husband got a new laptop last week with Vista, I just wanted to be sure that I did not mess things up for him before he even got going on his new machine! I figured it was OK, but thought there might be something about the different processors that would cause the program to behave differently than it should. Now I’ll bravely move forward!!!
Kindest regards,
No problem, glad I could help.
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