Can no longer run programs in XP

I installed avast. Ran the scan at the start of Xp and it found some worms. I tried the repair option, but it did not work.

I deleted some files which belonged to me, but made sure not to delete any windows files.

Now when windows loads, I cannot run any programs. It says “Windows cannot find “c:.…” make sure you typed the name correctly” This shows up even when i got to the folder and click on the program directly.

Please help, as i do not have ready access to my windows CDs to reinstall at the moment

thank you.

This is a worm/trojan behavior… Messing the file assotiation, I though.
Why don’t you start windows at safe mode (F8 while booting) and run avast! Virus Cleaner - free virus & worm removal tool.

Can you post if this solve your problem?

Thank you, I will try that tonight and get back to you.

You’re wellcome.
I’ll try to be here and help you. If I can’t, other kind user of avast probably will :wink: