When I call my phone from the website it locks up my phone until the call times out. The phone goes black except for the navigation buttons and the notification bar, and none of the navigation buttons work. Normal incoming phone calls do not exhibit this behavior.
– this is expected behaviour; sure you will not want to allow to thief end the call you triggered from web site.
So I tried a test from the phone by selecting “Fix connection problems”. A message came up that communication failed. Not sure why, but figured I would try it one more time and this time it stated that it did not find any issues, and on the web site the “Last communication” changed to “just now”.
So I went back and tried again to communicate from the web to the phone and this time it worked
So, unless “Fix connection problems” really fixed some kind of problem, I have zero confidence that this feature will work if my phone is lost or stolen, which of course would be my #1 priority. Reading through the forums and on the web I am further discouraged.
– this feature really does nothing about fixing the settings, just trying to test send some testing packages here and there to assure, your connectivity is OK. In case the connectivity is not OK, this test will fail. As you can see, this is not really problem of application, but connectivity itself.
On a side note, every time I upgrade the Android OS on my phone I lose root (as would be expected) and even though I immediately re-root, Anti Theft loses its root installed hard reset protection. The only way I have been able to restore the hard reset protection is to uninstall and re-install Anti-Theft. Then I have to set up the Anti-Theft settings all over again. Needless to say that is getting real, real old, especially with all the Android updates.
– AFAIK upgrading Android it means, that you are deleting cache and system data placed in system storage (or you do not?) - in this case you really can not expect the backup will exists when you deleted it through the updating process.