Can not move to chest

When I scan my computer, it says there is a threat and I get the following when I choose to see the results.

Only problem is, I can not move it to chest, what is wrong?

and why would you move to chest…they are not infected
avast will only take action on files detected as malware

files that can not be scanned are just that…does not mean they are infected
avast is just telling you it could not scan them and the reason why…in your case Password protected

This was never here before. It showed up like yesterday. I scanned my computer the day before yesterday and the following did not appear.

can you expand the Appdata/Local/…/… so we can see it all ?

It’s just C:\Users\PC\AppData…

i wanted the rest after appdata\local…not at front

if you see at the top of your picture where it say “severity” you see the vertical line just in front of “severity”
put your mouse pointer on it…it should change to a ↔ then hold down left mouse key and dragg side ways until you see the rest…then take a new screen shot

These good enough?

Clear the cache in Chrome. :wink:

Will that have any negative results?


Thanks for this. I will try it out and see what happens.

You’re welcome…!

if you have CCleaner and run that…it should do it

Yea, I have that. So many settings though.

you leave it at default settings…

I already manually deleted everything.


have a nice christmas and a happy new year :wink:

Cool. Merry Christmas and Happy New Years :slight_smile: