On my windows 2000 terminalserver with Citrix xp SP3 all the users get a message “can not read the message body” and you must click OK. Also I get a error message, that this user has no global rights. I tried almost everything but at the end I uninstalled AVAST.
What is going wrong. On workstations it is a very fine anti-virus but on my server it won’t work.
Are you talking about the Outlook plugin, the message box “Cannot scan the message body”??
For the plugin to work under the terminal services environment, you need to do the following:
Open the Security Policy applet, and grant the right “Create Global Objects” to all users that will be running the Outlook plugin (e.g. the Users group).
That should do the trick.
I have no idea what you mean by the message " user has no global rights" – can you give more info on when/where this appears or e.g. post a screenshot?
I’ve added “Users” to the “Create global objects” DC security settings (have even tried adding a direct user name too), but I’m still getting these “80004003” messages. (settings screengrab) (error screengrab)
The user is logging in through teminal services (remote desktop).
Windows 2003 Server, SP1. Avast Server edition demo 4.6.489
Did you reboot (or at least log off) after granting the privilege?
Also, can you post the contents of the \data\log\error.log and warning.log files?
And - does the problem happen even if you are logged on as an administrator, or only if logged on as a regular user?
I did log off and back in (quite a few times, actually). The user was not an admin, so I setup an account in Outlook with an administrator account. I noticed something new – the Avast Outlook splash screen came up in this admin account when opening Outlook. No splash screen on the other User account. No errors in Outlook in the admin account, either… so I tried the regular user account again, and it now has the splash screen, and no more errors!
If anything else comes up, I’ll let you know. Thanks!
Btw, the error.log and warning.log files were empty (I had emptied logs previously… when first installing Avast, it found some stuff like the Netsky-Q in some spam emails)
I have this same issue after upgrading from Avast v5 to v6 on Windows 2000 Pro SP 4 (Avast v5 did not exhibit this problem). I am the only user and am logged in as Administrator. I tried your recommendation above, rebooted, and the problem persists. I searched my PC and there are no files named “error.log” or “warning.log” to be found.
I then uninstalled Avast, searched for and deleted all files and folders with “avast” in their name, rebooted, and installed a fresh download of the current v6 Avast. The problem is still there.
The Avast Outlook plug-in fails on incoming and outgoing emails with the error stated above (avast!: Cannot scan the message body. Error code is 80004003. Invalid pointer. AavamCheckFile failed".
Your help is appreciated. Looking forward to your reply.
did you find a solution? after upgrading on request by avast itself, I have now the same error?? :-s And yes, its not so brilliant when errors re-occur 7 years later! ;-))
I too am using W2000 SP4 (only 1 user) and Outlook 2003 and have been keeping up with the latest avast upgrades. After doing the avast latest upgrade yesterday (one where I had to reboot), I also started getting the 80004003 error.
I don’t think that I should now have to start making changes to security policies. While looking up what version of Outlook I’m using, it seems to have crashed in the process.
Your web site show that the v6 system requirements are only W 7, W Vista, and W XP. Is there a simple to work around this problem without having to upgrade to W XP?
[MOD, please feel free to delete this posting as I’ve reposted in the correct forum. Sorry]