can´t find connection

All I get whe i try to update is:

Ultimo error encontrado: No se encontro el host (can´t find connection)

Motor y definiciones: Ya esta actualizado (version actual 150316-0)
Tiempo total: 48s
Tiempo de descarga: 7s
Archivos descargados: 20

Servidor: Download p3774263 AVAST9 Server

I have windows 7 premier. No virus found that avoid update avast.


Perform a clean installation of the latest avast version.

Thanks for your advice.

Yesterday(12/28/2015) I installed version 11.1.2245 following your instructions.
but today (12/29/2015) i got the same problem when I try to update, “can´t find the host”.

Same problem . Also I tried (today) to add english language and I get the same error.

Let’s see if we can find something strange.
Follow the instructions and attach the logs to your next post.