Can this model get infected?

I have a Siemens S65 (I know it’s old but it works ;)) and I want to know can it get infected by any virus or trojan?

Can someone steal any info from it?

Totally dependant on the Operating system if you are using OS2, DEC or any old type then probably not

Well actually it doesn’t have any operating system (at least I think so ???).

I bough it in 2004.

OK I just checked and it is a phone I thought it was an old computer :o

As far as I know this phone cannot be infected by any virus or so - it is using it’s own firmware and it doesn’t have any OS :wink:

I used to have Siemens C65, which is using the same type of firmware like S65 and I had no problems with it :wink:

well dont know about ur model but here are some general conditions
that apply
1>>well if the phone is a operating on symbian it can get effected.
2>>even if u have a very old model of phone u can get infected if u use it to surf web
u can get infected
3>>a infected cellphone can send a msg to ur phone with a infected link in the msg
4>>u can get infected if u have bluetooth on ur cell

mostly infected ones are nokia ones sony and moto ones are not common…
i used fsecure once when i got infected on my nokia N 93
check out this link…

Ok so I can be 100% sure it can’t get infected by anything?

Because I have some files in it that I don’t want to loose.

Sorry if my question was strange but I’m just not so familiar with mobile viruses :slight_smile:

Nothing is 100% guaranteed in life or otherwise. If it can connect to your PC to transfer files, if your PC is/was infected it is possible something could go the other way as the PC you just see your phone as USB storage device. However, that wouldn’t infect your phone if it has no way of running those files.

If you don’t want to lose something then back it up. If it is a WAP enabled phone you could upload files to on-line storage, or to your PC.

I’ll backup the files but I wanted to know if there is a way these files can be stolen from the mobile with the help of a virus/trojan ???

I honestly don’t know, but if you are able to connect to your PC or other devices, etc. in theory if there is malware on the PC it is possible it could look in the other drives of your PC. Since the malware would be running on your host system (not the phone) anything is possible, it would depend on what the malware payload was.

I actually never connected it to the PC.
So it should be clean?

Yes you should but it pays to take precautions of backing up your files that you don’t want to lose (for any reason).