Ok, I found one of my hard drives in my raid 0 array had many reallocated sectors. Meaning, they were detected as bad sectors and remaped to a good sector.
Now, I might of had a virus, I have it saved to a floppy, but it might just be a false alarm (IE: it could just be virus definitions from one of the online scanners I was using). I googled this topic, but all I could find is that bad sectors can be caused by viruses. But, I am not sure if this reallocation of sectors is a hardware issue only or a software issue!
BTW: if I am confusing you, then visit this site:
(This “Reallocated Sector Count” is what is showing up on my hard drive diagnostic utility…)
Also, visit this, and you should understand what I mean:
I realize that a virus can mark bad clusters in the FAT or NTFS file tables; but, can a virus cause sectors to be reallocated via the hard drive internal defect map, or is this just caused by hardware malfunction?