Can we adjust sensitivity level in Avast One? Like on the old version?

I’m worried it is set to medium level like the old one.

And why does that worry you?

being able to adjust the sensitivity is a big plus for me and it reassures me.

Another point not being able to configure the sensitivity it reassures me

and for virus scans, it is configured to look at a file quickly and not do a full check. that disappointed me

it is for this reason that I removed avast one to go to avast free old for waiting for an adjustment

dont you think that the avast guys that has worked with this for 30/40 years knows what works best

I just prefer to know if my Anti-virus is set on weak mode or strong mode. For so many years they pushed out the product set at medium sensitivity which will let things get through. I never got any notice at all to set it to high strength if I wanted better protection. I had to find out on my own after testing Avast and getting infected a few times. Once I set the old one on High sensitivity, I quit getting infected.

Is it me or does the verification system at the bottom just suck?

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I’m still getting used of the new Avast. I wiped my computer to find out I didn’t need to. I was so sleepy that I thought I downloaded a fake version and freaked out for a while.

My protection settings have been on default since iaik first installed Avast in 2003.
Never had an infection. We must travel the internet in different circles. :slight_smile: