can you downgrade Avast suites with license

This might have been answered already but I couldn’t find it in forum my question is i own Avast Premier for 3 years but truly don’t need all the extra baggage that comes with it can the user downgrade to Avast Internet security or pro with there current premier license :slight_smile:

                                                                                          thanks for helping


I don’t believe there is an easy way of dropping down to AIS from Avast Premier. But you could try the support ticket system and see if they could vary your license, balancing the difference in payment and duration left, etc.

I would have though that there wouldn’t be much more in the Premier than what is in AIS (looks like only two components). Check the page and check the Compare Products.

When installing I would also suggest doing a custom install and you can also uncheck any components that you don’t require, want.

Removing or Adding components

Thank you for helping me I will do I was just wondering because when I had Eset they allowed you to as long as you had license
perhaps Avast will consider it in the future and once again thanks so much :slight_smile: DavidR and Pondus

You’re welcome.

I would certainly use the support ticket system as suggested, nothing ventured nothing gained as they say.