Can you please take out CleanUp and VPN from Internet Security when not bought?

Its annoying to receive “ads” in the UI of a purchased product when you didnt buy those features. Those ads can be seen as false advertisment because they suggest that Avast Internet Security has features like VPN or CleanUp (first they function and show results but to end the installation you have to pay). This is a bad way to trick your customers.

I have seen this the first time on an purchased security product (had ESET Internet Security before).

Why dont we have the chance to disable the topics which arent included in the purchase. They are useless entries which dont do anything.

Otherwise great product!

You can disable the ads in the paid versions: Avast GUI → Settings → Personal Privacy

“Why dont we have the chance to disable the topics which arent included in the purchase. They are useless entries which dont do anything.”
Use custom install instead of default and you can choose what to install and what not to install.

Interesting - thank you both of you ;D

Adding or removing Avast Antivirus program components

You’re welcome.