Cancel Cleanup Premium auto renewal


I decided to try the 60 days free trial for Cleanup Premium today. I entered my credit card information together with my email adress. At this point I should mention I did not receive an email confirming my order.

I then tried deactivating the auto renewal cancellation. I opened Cleanup Premium, went to Subscription then clicked on the View my account link. (See attached image Cleanuppremium1.jpg)

I took me to the Avast account login page. No way to remember my password so I clicked the “Can’t access your account ?” link which prompted me to enter my email adress.
First surprise : I got an error message telling me my email adress is not registered. This is the same email adress I used to process the payment to Cleanup Premium. I should mention that I did have an avast account since I have previously received emails from Avast.

I then went to the support page about deactivation which tells me to go this website:
First option is to use the order number. Since I did not receive an order confirmation I went with the second option of using my email adress and 4 last digit of my credit card number.
Second suprise : I get an error message telling me the information I entered is incorrect.

So at this point I have no way to connect to an account, and no way to track my order. But I certainly did give my credit card information for the free trial, that was not an issue for Avast apparently.

I decided to create an Avast account with my email adress thinking maybe this would work. Well it doesn’t. It says in my account that I have no licenses registered or anything.

So now, I have a useless avast account that doesn’t allow me to deactivate the auto renewal.

I would strongly appreciate some help to deactivate the auto renewal of Cleanup Premium. This is outrageous that I was able to place a purchase without an account in the first place. Or without Avast checking any account information. And it is outrageous and shady business practice for the deactivation to be impossible by myself, in my case.



I agree that it might be sometimes quite confusing.
Anyway you should have a confirmation email with a subject like Avast - Order Confirmation (Order #XXXXXXXX) in this email you have two important information Order ID and Password.
You can use these two to login here: where you can manage your subscription.

If you didn’t get the email for some reason, please contact our support directly here: and they should help you to get it done.

Thank you.


Thank you for your reply.

Unfortunately, I did not receive an order confirmation email.

The support website is not clear enough for me. Can you please tell me which topic I should look for ?

Edit : All relevant topics on the support website require an order number or order ID, which I don’t have. I can give you other information about the order such as my Name, postal code, and time attention which I placed the order. I can give you the email address I used for the order, although I suspect I may have mistyped it when placing the order. It would explain why I didn’t get a confirmation email.


This “free trial” thing is nothing but a scam. I also did not receive an email listing my order number, etc. so it is impossible to cancel the “free” trial. The website is amazingly convoluted and difficult to use, on purpose, so you will get frustrated and simply give up. I am stopping payment through my bank, and I suggest everyone do the same. This company is a crooked enterprise.,BEWARE!

Thank you, I am glad I am not the only one thinking this.

Would you mind sharing the ISC number or the Digital River company so I can oppose the payment too ? I can’t seem to find it.

I have always used Avast as my antivirus software. But now, knowing that they use such dishonest business practices, I am definitely removing and changing software and staying the hell away from this company.


understood your frustration but I would also like to ask you for your help so we can make this process better and more transparent.

Could you please send me your email addresses which you used to purchase the trial? I would like to check what happened that you didn’t receive the confirmation email.
Also we can cancel the subscription once we will know to which email account it belongs.

You can send them via PM so it’s private.

Thank you.

Thank you, I appreciate your help. My frustration is not towards you, I am certain that you are not the one causing my troubles.

I will send you my email adress via PM.

Hi I too have the same problem over here and renewal period is just 7 months away. Kindly help me unsubscribe. I have opted for free trial from one of my colleague’s credit card.
Kindly help me with this and as like you asked the other subscriber to share his email id and subscription to you, how do i do that?

Unless you like spam I suggest you remove your email address and posting your license is never a good idea.

Thanks, i have removed mail id and license from over here.
Can someone please help me with deactivating subscription?

I’ve reported this to Avast.

Thank you , today i received a mail from avast mentioning about the auto renewal in few days.
That mail even contained order id and password . This time with the help of these info I was able log in. Now i have turned off auto renewal.
Thanks again :slight_smile:

You’re welcome. :slight_smile:

I want to cancel my free subscription to Avast Cleanup Premium 60 day trial-1 PC-1 year, am able to access my Subscriptions Details but can’t disable Automatic Renewals as there are no settings to click on next to Automatic Renewals. Can you deactivate automatic renewals for me? This is what shows on my computer:

" Subscription Status - Free Trial

View payment details within order history View Order History.

Subscription Term: Yearly

Your subscription will automatically renew on 15/03/2018. If you do not want it to automatically renew, update the setting below.

Automatic Renewals:

Expiry date:15/03/2018

Renew Now "

(This was through digitalriver.)

Contact Avast:

I want to cancel my Cleanup Premium free subscription.I’ve already tried following your instructions as per Avast support task cards but on my computer, once I access my subscription details, no link comes up to disable automatic renewals. This is the problem. Please refer to my original question.

I’m also annoyed that my credit card details are showing up in my subscription details and I can’t do anything about cancelling this automatic renewal.

From my computer-subscriptions details:
" Your subscription will automatically renew on 15/03/2018. If you do not want it to automatically renew, update the setting below.

Automatic Renewals: " < there is nothing here to click on which is the issue.


I just checked the license record associated with the email you have registered here on Avast Forums and the automatic renewal was on. I already cancelled it so you don’t have to worry about it anymore.

Sorry for the inconveniences with our subscription management system, we are working on improvements to make it clearer and easier.

Bets regards.

Wonderful service!!! I really wasn’t expecting such prompt assistance. Thank you so much. :slight_smile:

Hello, I’ve been reading this with great interest as I’m one of the many who has been caught in the Avast web. I signed up for the ‘free’ trial of Avast CleanUp Premium, received the e-mail confirming my details, password etc, but when I tried to cancel the subscription, was sent round in circles with ‘password not recognised’ and ‘no e-mail address registered’ messages.
Pure unadulterated sharp practice!
I am using the password confirmed in Avast’s confirmation e-mail, which also confirms the e-mail address!! I’ll give Avast 7 days to get this sorted and my subscription cancelled, then I’ll plaster this experience all over every social media possible.
Not a Company I’ll be having anything to do with ever again…

You should find you help information here: