Cancel Free Antivirus Subscription and request data deletion

Hi all,

This is my first post but I would be very grateful if you could help.

I am researching various free antivirus software in order to write a post for my tech blog.

The main concern that visitors of my blog have is regarding privacy, and especially the logging/storage of user information. Avast keeps various logs and stores information regarding users. As well as monitoring all URL’s and sites visited whilst the product is installed, correct?

From my knowledge, after reading avast’s privacy blog, I understand that avast also does not delete information as regularly for free antivirus users versus for premium users. Also, user information for free users will only have their data deleted after cancelling their protection.

Now to my main questions:

Is there any way for users to cancel their free subscription before renewal? In the instance that a user decides to either upgrade to premium antivirus, OR to leave avast’s product suite altogether. If so, how can this be done? I couldn’t find any direct e-mail or submission page relating to privacy protection on avast’s main site.

Once a user has cancelled their free antivirus entirely, in order to protect their privacy and ensure that their information is no longer held with avast, how can users contact the company? Where can users get support in aiding them with the deletion of information held by avast?

I appreciate any relevant response to this post.

Hi, see: