Is it the policy of Avast to take Paypal payments after the cancellation of this product. I originally left this company back in February because the service I had originally paid for was withdrawn without explanation, despite my protests your employee insisted I was mistaken leaving me with no choice. Having canceled I believed it better to cut my losses and have been well taken care of elsewhere. Much to my surprise, I noticed at the beginning of this month a payment request for nearly £70 had landed from yourselves I instantly canceled this payment only to find days later you had taken payment of £19.99 and sent an email welcoming me back into the fold. You seem to have a talent for rubbing people up the wrong way. What appears to have happened is when my original membership was expanded for extra cover you actually opened a new membership in my name. When I spoke to your employee he obviously did not make a connection, it was easier to deny me what I had paid for.
Will someone please assist me in getting this mess sorted. I would also ask for an unreserved apology regarding the theft of £19.99 from my account as that membership had been canceled and a sorry to see you go email issued bt yourselves. I do not wish to state account numbers on an open forum but they can be provided on request.
All I can say to anyone reading this is be careful these people aren’t as clever as they make out.
You most likely had auto renewal selected which doesn’t end if you uninstall the program.
Use the following to get help, (orders and refunds)
if you don’t have an order # use 00000000 then explain your problem.
The autorenewal had been canceled, I even received a ‘sorrow to see you go message’ but days later a reduced sum was taken, or stolen, from my Paypal account. I was heavily critical of this company when listing reasons for leaving also pointing out that I was unaware of any continuing membership having canceled other subscriptions last February. To date, no one from Avast has had the courtesy to contact me regarding a repayment, not only of the recent theft but also of the previous payment that overlapped with my original subscription. Avast is quick out of the gate to remove entitlement and to take money from accounts but fail lamentably to carry out proper customer care if a machine fails to answer then no human can.
This posting has been up for nearly 24 hours but still nothing from the company, that speaks volumes.