I just recently installed Avast 6.01203. I am using Windows XP Pro SP3. When I tried to access the Microsoft Update Web site, I get error message 0x80072F78. If I stop the Avast Web Shield, I can then access the Microsoft Web Site without any problem. I would like to keep Avast Web Shield active and still access the Microsoft update web site. I have run virus scan using Avast and spyware check using Malwarebytes and no problems shown. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
Try repair of avast through add/remove programs. Avast does not block windows update on mine computer.
Have you set automatic updates within windows xp by right clicking my computer /properties /automatic updates to auto or prompt for downloading is best way.
If you had macafee on your computer previously this will cause it. Download their removal tool if you did?
Are you using a independant firewall?
I tried doing a repair, but still can’t access the Microsoft Update Web site. I also tried uninstalling the web shield and reinstalling. Still the same result. I was using Avira antivirus prior to the installation of Avast. I have never used McAfee. I am using Zone Alarm for my firewall protection. I tried shutting down Zone Alarm and that did not help I might also add that I have installed Avast on another computer with the same configuration and on that computer like you I can access the Microsoft web site with the Web shield active. I might also add that I am using Microsoft Internet Explorer 8. I have tried resetting Internet Explorer to the default setting and I still have the same problem. There has to be something different between my computers causing Avast to block the Microsoft Update Web site when I log on to Internet Explorer. My automatic updates are working OK. Any further thoughts you might have would be appreciated.
Avast has nothing to do with being unable to connect to windows update, it isn’t a firewall and it would be treated in the same way as any other HTTP web site.
This could well be an indication that your HOSTS file might have been modified.
– HOSTS file redirect a common malware tactic to block AV sites making it difficult to remove malware - check your HOSTS file using notepad or a text editor of your choice, C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts or do a search for HOSTS to find it if not there.
Once open you are looking for entries windows update or security sites like avast.com on the line, you may well see other AV sites, post the contents of the hosts file. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hosts_file
Are you using a Proxy Server?
Also I don’t believe if you said how may times you got the error.
You may encounter temporary connection-related errors when you use Windows Update or Microsoft Update to install updatesWhen you use the Windows Update Web site or the Microsoft Update Web site to check for and install updates, you may receive one of the errors that are listed in the “Symptoms” section.
Important In most cases, these errors are caused by temporary issues caused by very slight interruptions in communications between the computer to be updated and the update to be downloaded. These issues are generally self-healing. So, before you try the troubleshooting methods in this article, try exiting the Windows Update site, waiting 10 to 15 minutes and start Windows Update again, and check for updates. You can also let Windows Automatic Update install the updates on its usual 24-hour cycle.
Note These errors can occur even if no changes have been made to network settings.
See link for more suggestions on how to resolve this issue.
In respone to possible host file problem. The only listing I have is local host. I understand Avast is not a firewall, but the web shield for whatever reason is causing the error message I get when I try to do a manual update.
In response to proxy server the answer is no. Both my computers using same dsl connection.
In response to how many times I get the error message. It is everytime I try to do a manual update. If I disable the web shield, I can do a manual update through the Microsoft Update web site and it works properly. Once I activate the web shield, I again can’t manual access the Microsoft update site.
Thanks to everyone for their imput.
What error message ?
As Has been said others, I too have no problem connecting to windows update if I visit the site in IE browser (I also have XP Pro SP3), with the web shield enabled.
So there is something else going on, what that might be will require some further investigation.
Have you tried what I suggested with ZA ?
What other security software do you have installed ?
The error message I get everytime is 0x80072F78. I have tried shutting down Zone Alarm and the result is the same. I only have Avast and Zone Alarm. No other security programs. When I deactivate the web shield, update is displayed same as you have posted. With the web shield activated I get the same error message with or without Zone Alarm running.
I was using Avira antivirus prior to the installation of Avast
Have you ran the Avira clean uninstall tool from Windows Safe Mode? (search it at http://thewebatom.net/uninstallers/security-software/ )
Can you delete and rebuild your firewall rules?
Can you clean your web browser’s cache?
I downloaded and ran the Avira removal tool. It found a few registry entries that I deleted.
I have also closed down Zone Alarm and rebooted without it running. I still can’t manual log on to the Microsoft update web site with web shield running. I wasn’t sure how to modity my firewall setting, so I have temporarily turned it off. Also my internet browser files are automatically deleted each time I logoff. Hope this helps.
Might give a clue
Try a run with malware bytes free anti spyware and do a full scan and see what it finds & reboot.
Might have to do as follows to correct windows update
1 go to control pannel
2 admin tools /event viewer / select services
3 stop automatic update service
4 disable auto updates (right click my computer /proprties / and select auto update tab and disable)
5 go to c/windows folder
5 open sofware distribution
6 del contents of each folder 1 by 1.
7 goto control pannel
8 admin tools /event viewer/select services
9 re enable auto update services
10 re enable auto updates (right click my computer/properties / and select to auto.
may then work ok after that
I had similar problem on Win7 and resorted to re-install to fix
Reply to Bobo1. I will try the suggestions you have made and will report back. It probably won’t be until tomorrow. Thanks
I decided to restore my computer to a point prior to the installation of Avast, using my Acronis backup file. Once my computer was restored I was able to manually access the Microsoft update web site with no problems. This with Avira and Zone Alarm running. I then ran a full scan using Malwarebytes and no virus were detected. I then uninstalled Avira and used the Avira removal tool to remove any leftover registry entries. I then reinstalled Avast. Please note that no other changes have been made to this point. With Avast installed, I once again was unable able to manually access the Microsoft update web site. I then followed Bobo1 instructions 1-10. After a short while I was notified that Microsoft updates were available. I then tried to manually access the Microsoft update web site and was not able to do so. At this point the only solution I see is to use a workaround solution by stopping the web shield on the few occasions that I would want to manually access the Microsoft update web site. I am still open to suggestions. Again thanks to everyone for your time and effort. I may at some later time consider doing a manual system reinstall to see if that may resolve this issue.
Perhaps MUWS is placed on your “GUI/Additional Protection/Site Blocking”, if so, try to remove it.
if the problem persist it isn’t Lovely Avast case but may be other security or firewall software.
Hi, Try these steps
- What browser are you using? if you are using ie8 try a repair of the browser under tools/internet options or try using the broswer with NO ADDONS (ACTIVE X CONTROLS) TO NARROW DOWN ON THIS PROBLEM/ With avast running.
What you have put that your hosts file is correct then some kind of malware has put in a registry entry stopping you accessing windows update.
May need to test with more malware scanners ie webroot spysweeper a strong one/ - Try from run box sfc/scannow. You will need a xp cd that the version of xp that you are on (NOW XP SP3) to repair system files if any corrupt?.
3 Try by removing zone alarm firewall and just use xp firewall in your connection setting to see if that is the problem with zone alarm.
I just use XP Firewall only and had no problems
- If your computer came with recovery cd than rather drastic a re instal may be needed NOTE Avast needs to be on SP3 Minimum
I ran sfc /scannow and nothing found. Still the same problem. I can’t find repair setting for internet explorer under tools/internet options. I have already restored internet explorer to its default setting. My computer is working fine, except for this one issue. For now I am going to simply deactivate the web shield when I want to do a manual update. Thanks for trying to help
ie8 /tools/ internet options/ advanced. There is a button to reset browser settings to defaults here
My auto updates are on auto at a pre set time and does it in the background/ at least i know that windows will be always updated anyway!