Cannot add exclusions to Avast webshield settings

As seen in the image above I cannot add exclusions, When I click add nothing happens. I have tried restarting my pc. No good. Isn’t it suppose to look a little like this?

That’s an interesting one…

I was able to finally get it to work by checking the box, clicking on Add, closing the Web Shield settings window, re-opening the settings window, and it gave me the Delete/Browse box and buttons.

both of you.
which version of avast you are using?
clean or upagrade install?
it may be a bug and may need devs attention.
so let us confirm.

Try excluding this way:

avast! UI > Settings > Antivirus > Scroll to Exclusions > Select URL > [enter URL address] and then click add…

The settings in the Antivirus section work for all shields + on demand scans.

The issue was adding Processes to the Exclusion list.

I’m not 100% sure, but I wouldn’t really expect the environment variables (such as %localappdata%) to be applicable in the exclusion list.

I believe it will only allow you to select executables for Processes.

It opens a Browse window with *.exe as the default file type…